Bedwetting in adults: More common than you'd think

Bedwetting in adults: More common than you'd think
11 January 2024

Bedwetting in adults: More common than you'd think

While it might not be something you bring up over dinner, bedwetting is a very real issue for many adults in the UK.

In fact, around 1-2% of adults in this country experience bedwetting, about 800,000 people. So, you're not alone, and there's no need to feel embarrassed about seeking help and answers.

Whether you're personally dealing with bedwetting or supporting someone who is, we understand and are here to offer support for managing adult bedwetting with confidence.

We'll explore the causes and practical ways to manage it, so you can get back to enjoying a peaceful night's sleep worry-free.

What causes bedwetting in adults?

Dealing with adult bedwetting can be tough, but understanding the reasons behind it can make things a bit easier. Let's dive into some common causes.

Overactive Bladder

Our bladder plays a big role in bedwetting. If something's off with it, it can affect us in noticeable ways.

So, what's up with bladders and adult bedwetting?

One issue is overactive bladder (OAB), where there's a mix-up in communication between the brain and bladder. Normally, when it's time to go, the brain tells the bladder it's time to empty out.

But with OAB, these signals get all jumbled up. Suddenly, there's this urgent need to pee, even if the bladder isn't full. It's especially annoying at night when our brains usually tell our bladders to chill out so we can sleep. But with OAB, that message gets scrambled, and we might end up with some unexpected leaks, even when we should be sleeping.

Urinary incontinence

Let's talk about urinary incontinence - it's something many people deal with and can be caused by different things.

Basically, it happens when the muscles that support the bottom of your belly and control your bladder weaken or get hurt.

So, when these muscles aren't as strong as they should be, your bladder might not be able to hold urine like it should, which can lead to leaks, even when you're fast asleep!

Urinary incontinence can happen for different reasons, and it's a bit different for men and women. For women, giving birth can sometimes cause it, while for men, it might be linked to problems with their prostate.

But there's more to it than just that - getting older and having certain health issues can also play a part in causing urinary incontinence.

Underlying medical issues

Adult bedwetting is not always a big worry on its own, but it could be a sign of something more serious going on in your body.

For instance, you might have urinary tract stones. These small lumps block the normal flow of pee and can make your bladder uncomfortable. When your pee doesn't flow right, it could lead to bedwetting in adults.

Another thing to consider is neurological disorders. Our brain sends signals to our bladder, telling it when to empty. But if you have something like multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson's, it can mess up this communication. That might affect your bladder control and lead to bedwetting.

Medication side effects

Did you know that the medicine you're taking, even for other stuff, might be linked to adult bedwetting?

Some meds, especially those messing with nerve signals or making you pee more, can mess up how your bladder works.

Take diuretics, for instance. They're often given for high blood pressure to help flush out extra fluid, but this can mean more bathroom visits at night and a higher chance of bedwetting.

How does bedwetting affect adults?

Ever thought that bedwetting only happens during the night and doesn't really affect much? Well, for many adults, it's a whole different story.

Emotional well-being - Dealing with bedwetting can bring on feelings of anxiety, stress, and even embarrassment. It's a big deal for many folks, affecting their overall feelings.

Sleep troubles - Bed wetting can really disrupt your sleep, leaving you tired and grumpy during the day. Not getting enough rest can also make it harder to think clearly and get along with others.

Social life - Some people with bedwetting worries might avoid social settings because they're scared of accidents happening in front of others. It can make it tough to feel confident around people or keep friendships.

Intimacy - It's not easy to talk about bedwetting with a partner, and some folks worry about what their partner might think. This can create barriers in relationships and make it hard to open up.

Work or school challenges - Bedwetting can cause issues outside the home too, like worrying about smells or figuring out how to handle it discreetly while at work or school.

How can you treat adult bedwetting?

Dealing with adult bedwetting can be tough, but there are things you can do in your life to help combat it.

Lifestyle changes

Watch your drinks - Cut back on caffeine and alcohol since they can make you produce more pee and disturb your sleep.

Stick to a schedule - Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps your body get into a rhythm, which can help with bladder control and sleep quality.

Exercise your pelvic floor - Strengthening these muscles can help with bladder control. Simple exercises, like Kegels, can be done daily and might help reduce bedwetting.

Bladder control medication

There are a variety of medications that could ease the burden of adult bedwetting.

One specifically - anticholinergic medication - works by calming the bladder muscles and reducing instances of spasms and contractions that could lead to unintentional leakage.

Incontinence products

One of the best options for managing bedwetting is using incontinence products.

Whether it's pull-up pants or bed pads, these products are designed to keep you dry and comfortable throughout the night.

Manage adult bedwetting with confidence with Incontinence UK

If you're struggling with adult bedwetting and are looking for cost-effective solutions that improve your comfort and dignity, then look no further than disposable bed pads from Incontinence UK. Our incontinence pads and pants offer reliable protection that minimises discomfort and maximises discretion.

And for prices lower than supermarket costs - even for the most premium brands like Drylife and MoliCare - Incontinence UK is the best choice for you.

What's more, if you subscribe to your incontinence product of choice, then you can enjoy 10% off every order as well as convenient doorstep delivery.